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Here's a collection of cool photos.

This is where we put pictures of the family. We are very thankful for the family that we have, everyone i love all very much. Here are some pictures of our family. If you have any pictures you want to add email them to us.

Mom, Sandra, Nina, Ryan and Adam at Marine World in Vallejo, CA on July 2003

Adam at Santa Cruz, CA on vacation from Kentucky. July 2002

Nina with my nephew Adam, aren't they so cute!!!

Adam and his Aunt Sandra at a Rivercats game, Go CATS!!

Uncle Thomas from Hawaii, he was on vacation in Cali(October 2003)

Me and my princess, i love it when she does that!!!

Barbara, My Princess, and My little princess at a party (October 2003)

Our cousin Randy and Pam at a party(October 2003).
Just the Four of us before a very fun day at Marine World!!! Left to right is Diane(Greatest sister in the world), Russell, Sandra(The princess), and Roger(Great friend, and we do mean great)
A nice cute picture before the dophin show at Marine World(October 2003).