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How It All Began

The Guerra family has been around a while, but ever since the addition of the Sandra Crow family, the Guerra family has experienced nothing but wonderful things, including a new born baby girl named Isabella. Ever since has been nothing but wonderful fun filled days spent together. It all began from one early morning when our cat "Harley" who wouldnt let me sleep one morning when i was dead tired, just came home at four in the morning from a 2 hour drive from Chico, CA. I was extremely tired, so i went to bed as soon as I got home, but another animal in the house has other plans than to let me sleep. Honestly I did try to sleep but our cat Harley kept on bouncing on my check to wake me up, and kept crying like he was telling me something. So finally after about fifteen minutes of being bothers i decided to get up and see what Harley wanted. At the time i was living with mom and dad in Citrus Heights, CA which is a northern suburb of Sacramento. So early in the morning i went out into the kitchen when harley lead me to to get him a treat, and if you know harley he loves his treats. Well after i gave him a few treats i went back to bed, and he persisted to pounce on me so i went out to the kitchen again. This time Harley cried and jumped onto the chair in the kitchen where the computer was at. I thought he just wanted me sit down there and pet him, well i was wrong in thinking that. I pet him for about a second or two then he got down and just stared at me. So i then decided to turn on the computer to check my email that morning. Well being that i was extremely tired, instead of clicking on the link to check your email i clicked on the chat icon instead. I got a kick out of that, so i picked a random person and said some smart comment about the name that they were using. The person relied right back with another smart comment back, which i was really shocked. That person was Sandra. We went back and forth talking for a few hours until finally we both were really tired that we couldnt type on the computer anymore. That night i went to bed with a smile on my face. The day was the morning of July 13th, 2002. That is a day i will never forget for the rest of my life, but at that time i never would have thought, this was the woman that i would be marrying about 9 months later. Four days after that morning we started talking on the phone, and these phone calls were not a few minutes here and there, more like hours here and hours there. What surprised me about Sandra was the fact that she cared so much about me doing good in school and she would hang up because she wanted me to study for a test or do homework. Noone before has ever understood or had the patience with my school talking up most of my time. After talking for about a month we finally decided to schedule a meeting to go out and have dinner. This was a mutual thing, and at the time it was called a first non-date. Everytime we would schedule a time, Sandra would cancel on me for some reason that i cannot remember off the top of my head. After about the fourth time i started loosing patience and i was getting frustrated like anyone else would. My mom, Dottie asked me if we were ever going to get together, and i told mom, "I doubt it mom". So on a Thursday August evening at about 6 O'Clock in the evening we scheduled a metting place at Max's Cafe inside the Arden Mall in Sacramento, CA. I picked Max's Cafe because of the autmosphere that it held. Just about two months prior i went with some frinds to see the play Phantom of the Opera and we ate at Max's Cafe for dinner right before the play. I loved the restaurant, so i wanted to take Sandra to dinner at the most special place in town to me. I love this place because they have a person there who plays the piano and sings in the evening time. The music is so wonderful there, and they were singing that night, but you could barely hear it, because we were talking most of the evening. When i arrived in the parking lot of Max's Cafe that evening, i didnt just park and go in, i pulled into the driveway and got scared and started going home. Yes i almost ditched Sandra, but i was thinking that i just wouldnt talk to her again. Then as i was about to get back on the freeway to go home, something told me that i shouldn't go home, that i should go in the restaurant. Inside of my car i had picked a rose from Mom's garden to give to her. I looked at the rose as i was about to get on the freeway and that is what made me turn back around. Sometimes there are things in life that you will be scared of, but just go through it, you never know what might happen. I got to the restaurant, and Sandra was waiting at the enterance of the restaurant. She looked so beautiful in a red blouse with dark black pants. We sat down at about six forty five in the evening. We ordered dinner with wine, the wine was really good. For the first time in my life i didn't even eat half of my dinner. The restaurant closed at Eleven and we were still there at about 1030 with my food cold of course. We finally said good night to each other at about 1130. I gave her a hug, i wanted to give her a kiss, but i didnt want to rush anything with her, only to find out that Sandra wanted me to kiss her. That evening i told my mom that i feel that this is it, this is the girl i want to marry one day, but to be honest i didn't think i would ever hear from Sandra again. I was wrong, i heard from her that evening telling me that she got home safe. That is where it all started, after that night we talked more and more on the phone, and we started liking each other more. About three to four weeks after the non date, which i now consider to be our first date i asked Sandra out on August 31st, 2002. We got married on April 12th, 2003. The Guerra and Crow family has had nothing but happiness ever since we met.

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